Grey, W., Harris, E. A., Kalokerinos, E. K., & Griffiths, S. (2024). On liking how you look and feeling sexy: Quantifying the overlap between sexual desirability and body satisfaction in a sample of Australian Grindr users. Body Image.
Harris, E. A., Morgenroth, T., Crone, D. L., Morgenroth, L., Gee, I., & Pan, H. (2023). Sexual Consent Norms in a Sexually Diverse Sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Harris, E. A., Hornsey, M. J., Finkel, E. J., Hofmann, W., Jern, P., Murphy, S. C., Hedenborg, F., & Barlow, F. (2023). Does sexual desire vary more among women than men? Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Harris E. A. & Griffiths, S. (2023). The Differential Effects of State and Trait Masculinity and Femininity on Body Satisfaction among Sexual Minority Men. Body Image.
Harris, E. A., Gormezano, A. M., & van Anders, S. M. (2022). Gender Inequities in Household Labor Predict Lower Sexual Desire in Women Partnered with Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. OSF, Division of household labor scale, Perceived partner dependence & unfairness scales
Harris, E. A., Milfont, T. L., & Hornsey, M. (2022). Magic Tolerance Varies Cross-Culturally: Luck and Precognition Beliefs Across the World. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Grey, W., Harris, E. A., & Griffiths, S. (2022). A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-compassion intervention designed to improve the body image of sexual minority men. Body Image, 42, 385-400.
Hornsey, M. J., Fielding, K. S., Harris, E. A., Bain, P. G., Grice, T., & Chapman, C. M. (2022). Protecting the Planet or Destroying the Universe? Understanding Reactions to Space Mining. Sustainability, 14(7), 4119.
Jarman, H. K., McLean, S. A., Griffiths, S., … Harris E. A., … & Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. (2022). Critical measurement issues in the assessment of social media influence on body image. Body Image, 40, 225-236.
Gormezano, A. M., Harris, E. A., Gauvin, S. E., Pinto, J., van Anders, G., & van Anders, S. M. (2022). Sexual Orientation Across Porn Use, Sexual Fantasy, and In-Person Sexuality: Visualizing Branchedness and Coincidence via Sexual Configurations Theory. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(2), 1201-1219.
van Anders, S. M., Herbenick, D., Brotto, L. A., Harris, E. A., & Chadwick, S. B. (2022). The heteronormativity theory of low sexual desire in women partnered with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(1), 391-415.
Hornsey, M. J., Wohl, M. J., Harris, E. A., Okimoto, T. G., Thai, M., & Wenzel, M. (2020). Embodied remorse: Physical displays of remorse increase positive responses to public apologies, but have negligible effects on forgiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(2), 367.
Harris, E. A., Hornsey, M. J., Larsen, H. F., & Barlow, F. K. (2019). Beliefs about gender predict faking orgasm in heterosexual women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(8), 2419-2433.
Hornsey, M. J., Greenaway, K. H., Harris, E. A., & Bain, P. G. (2019). Exploring cultural differences in the extent to which people perceive and desire control. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(1), 81-92.
Hornsey, M. J., Bain, P. G., Harris, E. A., Lebedeva, N., Kashima, E. S., Guan, Y., ... & Blumen, S. (2018). How much is enough in a perfect world? Cultural variation in ideal levels of happiness, pleasure, freedom, health, self-esteem, longevity, and intelligence. Psychological Science, 29(9), 1393-1404.
Hornsey, M. J., Harris, E. A., & Fielding, K. S. (2018). Relationships among conspiratorial beliefs, conservatism and climate scepticism across nations. Nature Climate Change, 8(7), 614-620.s
Hornsey, M. J., Harris, E. A., & Fielding, K. S. (2018). The psychological roots of anti-vaccination attitudes: A 24-nation investigation. Health Psychology, 37(4), 307.
Harris, E. A., Thai, M., & Barlow, F. K. (2017). Fifty shades flipped: Effects of reading erotica depicting a sexually dominant woman compared to a sexually dominant man. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(3), 386-397.
Harris, E. A., Hornsey, M. J., & Barlow, F. K. (2016). On the link between benevolent sexism and orgasm frequency in heterosexual women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(8), 1923-1931.
Harris, E. A., Connor, P., Guy, S., Fernando, J., Shank, D. B., Kurz, T., ... & Kashima, Y. (2016). Interpersonal communication about climate change: how messages change when communicated through simulated online social networks. Climatic Change, 136(3), 463-476.
Hornsey, M. J., Harris, E. A., Bain, P. G., & Fielding, K. S. (2016). Meta-analyses of the determinants and outcomes of belief in climate change. Nature Climate Change, 6(6), 622-626.
Sherlock, J. M., Sidari, M. J., Harris, E. A., Barlow, F. K., & Zietsch, B. P. (2016). Testing the mate-choice hypothesis of the female orgasm: disentangling traits and behaviours. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, 6(1), 31562.